The thermostat is an essential AC component crucial for maintaining a warm and cozy home. When this device fails to turn on, it can cause minor inefficiencies to major system anomalies. Andersen Plumbing and Heating, your partner forheating repair in Naperville, IL, understands how important these small devices are to effective performance.

Here are some typical thermostat issues you might encounter and how to troubleshoot them.

Thermostat Isn’t Responding

If your thermostat isn’t responding when you adjust the settings, check if the batteries are dead. If it’s a battery-powered thermostat, try replacing the batteries and see if that solves the issue. Next, consider a system reset. Most thermostats have a reset button that can bring them back to life.

Wiring issues may be the root cause of the problem if these two steps fail to restore functionality. Seek professional heating repair services to check for loose or faulty wiring behind the thermostat.

The Thermostat and Furnace Settings Don’t Match

Your thermostat settings may, at times, not match what’s happening with your furnace. When you set your settings to heat, but cold air blows out from the ducts, double-check that the thermostat is set to “Heat” and not “Cool.

Next, make sure your thermostat is set to the right temperature. Your furnace may not start if it’s lower than your home’s temperature. If that’s not the problem, the thermostat itself might be malfunctioning.

Furnace Runs Constantly

Check the thermostat settings if your furnace is running nonstop. Having the fans set to “On,” means that the system will run even after reaching your desired temperature. Switching to the “Auto” setting will let your furnace cycle on and off as needed, helping the system operate more efficiently. If your furnace continues to run constantly, there may be an internal issue that requires emergency heating repair from a professional.

Don’t ignore your thermostat issues. Prevent bigger furnace issues before the winter when you call Anderson Plumbing and Heating. Schedule a professional HVAC repair and maintenance to keep your thermostat and furnace working perfectly!

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